
Gond Katira (Gum Adagarante) – The herbs of janas


Gum tragacanth powder for hair care and styling – Gives shine, volume and elasticity to the hair, it is compacting and disciplining.

Content: 50gr

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Gond Katira, also known as Gum Tragacanth, is a dry exudate obtained from plants of the genus Astragalus. It is used as a cosmetic raw material to thicken or gel.

Hair: Rende i capelli più forti, luminosi e voluminosi. È un vero e proprio sostituito di balsamo e creme per capelli, li rende morbidi e setosi. Ripara i danni cuticolari, per questo è utile per i capelli fragili e che si spezzano con facilità, ma anche per capelli secchi e indisciplinati.

Skin: Ha azione antisettica ed emolliente, consigliata per le pelli particolarmente secche, che necessitano di idratazione. Utile su scottature e screpolature. Come maschera viso si può usare miscelata ad Argille o Erbe. Il tempo di posa è di 10-15 minuti. Non far seccare la maschera, ma mantenerla umida erogando sulla pelle acqua o acque aromatiche. L’Alcanna è un arbusto sempreverde della famiglia delle Boraginacee, dalle cui radici si ricava una polvere con un alto potere colorante rosso.

How to use: 

dip the powder in water (the proportion is about 20 g of powder for a liter of water) and leave it overnight, you will obtain a gel-like consistency. Blend to obtain a cream, which will be easier to use. Apply to clean, wet hair using a comb, starting from the roots to the ends, and cover with cling film. The processing time varies from 15 to 60 minutes, until the hair is hardened. Rinse without shampoo.

It can also be used as a definition product, before drying, in this case apply a little product with your fingers, without rinsing.

Gond Katira is an excellent base for preparing herbal compresses, even dyes, so it can replace water in the preparation, or it can be added as desired to herbal and clay compresses.

The gel can be stored for about ten days in the refrigerator, in a closed jar, or it can be frozen.

HISTORY and CURIOSITIES: the term tragacanth derives from the Greek and means "thorn of the goat", because the whitish latex that covers the branches of the plant from which it is extracted recalls the wool of goats.

Inci: Astragalus gummifer gum powder

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